Friday, July 29, 2005

Reef gossip. Posted by Picasa

I love this shot! The two fish look like they are neighbors talking through a picket fence.

The trip to Puerto Aventuras was incredible. I swam with three whale sharks - there were eight of them in the water at the time. And for the first time in years I was so excited about a dive that I was actually shaking before I hit the water. (It really was snorkeling, not diving.)

Sunscape Puerta Aventura got hit by Hurricane Emily three days after I left - and that knocked out the Underwater Photo Contest for the time being. Truly a shame.

I will have reports on the spa and the resort in short order. As usual Pro-Dive Mexico was fantastic. On one dive, just a couple hundred yards from the resorts beach area, I saw a huge nurse shark, swam with a sea turtle, and spotted a gorgeous eagle ray, all in about 20 minutes.

It just goes to prove that the Riviera Maya is probably the most underated dive destination in the hemisphere.


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