Monday, June 13, 2005

Val and Josephine: Pre-Dive Meditation Posted by Hello

Pre-Dive Meditation

Pre-Dive Meditation is a Mind, Body and Spirit Scuba skill that is about getting yourself calm and into a relaxed place in preparation for the best possible dive. All of the world’s best breath-hold free divers use similar skills to relax and prepare for their deep dives. Scuba divers can use the same breathing and concentration techniques in order to use their air slower, approach sea life closer, and provide for a more enjoyable dive.

On the right in this photo is Val Y., a formerly nervous diver who overcame her equalization problems with a little direction from MBS training. Now she is an outstanding diver who can handle just about any conditions. On the left is Josephine M. who was has learned to conquer pre-dive jitters with a little help from MBS scuba.

In the middle is a frog. Frogs don’t scuba dive.


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