Monday, August 22, 2005

Turks and Caicos Sponges -

I just spent a week on an incredible live-aboard dive boat - the M.V. Turks and Caicos Explorer II. I didn't know what to expect because these guys don't advertise as much as the Aggressor Fleet and therefore they aren't seen as much in the scuba press for hire.

What I found was an incredible and wonderful surprise. An outstanding and professional crew, amazingly good food and great diving, to boot. I was lucky to have been ship board with some of the nicest people that I have ever dived with. And I also had a great chance to test out my new INON D200o Underwater Strobe. After working out some settings it performed very, very well. Expanding my photo capabilities and adding color to my underwater creativity (Check out the shot, above). And at decent price, too.

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