Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It's an Orgy!!! A coral orgy! Posted by Hello

It's getting close to spawning time for the corals on Grand Cayman Island and there's incredible sexual tension on the reef. That's because during the second week of September, when the coral spawns, Marine Biologist Alex Mustard, Ph.D. will be leading the Eco Week at Ocean Frontiers. I will be down there as well certifying divers in my new PADI Distinctive Specialty - Coral Reef Naturalist - which is based on findings from Dr. Mustard's research into coral behavior.

Today, I completed the course outline and will be sending it off to PADI, the scuba certification agency for approval tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to working with Alex and Ocean Frontiers, which is one of the best dive operations in the Caribbean. Rodale Scuba Diving keeps rating them the top outfit on Grand Cayman.

And Dr. Mustard tells me that these exhibitionist orgying corals don't mind the
attention (as long as you don't shine lights in their eyes). It's going to be a
great week on Grand Cayman.

For more information, check it out at


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